

The campus chaplain offers the following resources to Meredith students, 教师, 以及各种宗教背景的员工:

  • One-on-one student support for personal or spiritual issues
  • 社区 engagement opportunities including 指导天使 and 姐妹们团结
  • 跨信仰编程
  • Educational and hands-on opportunities to address a variety of social issues
  • Daisy Trade (campus food pantry) and the Student Emergency Fund


For more information, please be sure to attend our informational meeting on September 2023年13日下午5点.m. 在琼斯教堂公共休息室.

牧师. 史黛西Pardue
(919) 760-8347




姐妹们团结 is a student group that supports girls and women locally and abroad. They have sponsored girls in Kenya and Ghana for educational opportunities, 广泛开展打击人口贩运活动, 支持罗利的课后项目, 为阿富汗难民组织项目, created a pen pal program with schoolgirls in Honduras, hosted Meredith’s annual Sexual Assault Awareness Week, and supports the Office of the Chaplain’s mentor program called 指导天使.

A decorative statue on Meredith's campus with flowering trees.


与罗利非营利组织Loaves合作 & fish,牧师办公室 hosts a weekly after school mentor program on the Meredith campus. 节目的前半部分 包括完整的团体活动,如小吃, 跳舞, 艺术, 音乐, 游戏和话题讨论都是由 篮球投注大学学生团体. The second half of each weekly program is one-on-one mentoring with 导师和被辅导者配对. The Chaplain p艺术ners with the top mentoring academic in the country, Dr. Jean Rhodes是波士顿Mentorhub的创始人. The 导师和被辅导者配对 first check in with each other utilizing Mentorhub’s “mood ring” and the rest of the time focuses on their skill-based goals, 每组选择. 这可能包括某些教育科目, 批判性思维, 心理健康, and will utilize a variety of Apps such as Khan Academy, 平静, 我的学习生活和其他.
<艺术icle class="elementor-post elementor-grid-item ecs-post-loop post-124210 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized academic_programs-food-nutrition campus_services-chaplain news-headlines" id="post-124210">

努力连接学生, 工作人员, and 教师 in need of food and other basic needs resources are expanding on campus after the opening of the new M艺术in Market. New kiosks containing food and books have also been added on campus.

<艺术icle class="elementor-post elementor-grid-item ecs-post-loop post-42209 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized campus_services-chaplain news-campus-connections news-headlines" id="post-42209">

篮球投注大学 held a commemoration service in honor of Dr. 马丁·路德·金.,于2018年2月7日星期三举行.

<艺术icle class="elementor-post elementor-grid-item ecs-post-loop post-42392 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized campus_services-chaplain news-campus-connections news-headlines" id="post-42392">
<艺术icle class="elementor-post elementor-grid-item ecs-post-loop post-42632 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized campus_services-chaplain news-campus-connections news-headlines" id="post-42632">